Friday, March 21, 2014

Website Published!

Website is now Online! Its been Published 3/21/14 3:30 pm Click Here to visit Now! :D Woohooo!!

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Toxictransporter almost Published!

Toxictransporter website is almost publish! :D I am looking for does who would like to admin my website along with me (coding experience needed)If you would like to join me Send me a massage vie Facebook or Twitter The website might need improvements in the future after its published so it would be a great help.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

New Update Made To...

There has been an update made to Bienestar es Mejor Salud New page Called Post was added in the categories (remember this website is made in spanish).

Creating a new website Desing for me!

This is are some of the websites i have recently made Bienestar es Mejor Salud and Hora del Ritmo Saludable they are not mines but they were coded by me! mines is coming up soon with a different style design =)