Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Why not let your Mobile services pay you instead. Get Unlimited High-Speed data Starting at $39/mo. Share with friends, Sign them up With you, and Start earning. For every person that joins with you, you earn $5/mo You get more , the more you have with you, it's simple just share and win and help your friends/families earn as well. ▪ $29/mo: Voice and Text Unlimited (no data) ▪ $39/mo: Voice,Text and 500mb of Unlimited High-speed Data ▪ $49/mo: Voice,Text and 2GB of Unlimited High-speed Data ▪ $69/mo: Voice,Text and 4GB of Unlimited High-speed Data Want to know more? Call: (787) 619-2510 or inbox: https://www.facebook.com/Rodriguez.0fficial Christian Rodriguez. Emial: Ultimate.Unlimited4g@gmail.com Free Sim Card + Activation! Just pay your monthly service when you register _________________________________________________________ ¿Por qué no dejar que sus servicios de telefonía móvil le pagen a usted . Obtener datos ilimitados de alta velocidad a partir de $ 39/mes. Comparte con tus amigos y comience a ganar. Por cada persona que se une a usted, usted gana $ 5/mes Usted obtendra más,mientra más personas se conecten con usted, es muy sencillo simplemente compartir y ganar y ayudar a tus amigos / familias a ganar también. ▪ $ 29/mes: Voz y texto ilimitado (no hay datos) ▪ $ 39/mo: Voz, Texto y 500MB de datos ilimitados de alta velocidad ▪ $ 49/mes: Voz, Texto y 2GB de alta velocidad de datos ilimitados ▪ $ 69/mo: Voz, Texto y 4GB de alta velocidad de datos ilimitados ¿Quieres saber más? Llame a: (787) 619-2510 Cristiano Rodríguez. Emial: Ultimate.Unlimited4g @ gmail.com Tarjeta Sim + Activación Gratis! Solo page el mes adelantado de su Plan al conectrase.

Friday, March 21, 2014

Website Published!

Website is now Online! Its been Published 3/21/14 3:30 pm Click Here to visit Now! :D Woohooo!!

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Toxictransporter almost Published!

Toxictransporter website is almost publish! :D I am looking for does who would like to admin my website along with me (coding experience needed)If you would like to join me Send me a massage vie Facebook or Twitter The website might need improvements in the future after its published so it would be a great help.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

New Update Made To...

There has been an update made to Bienestar es Mejor Salud New page Called Post was added in the categories (remember this website is made in spanish).

Creating a new website Desing for me!

This is are some of the websites i have recently made Bienestar es Mejor Salud and Hora del Ritmo Saludable they are not mines but they were coded by me! mines is coming up soon with a different style design =)